Michael Jackson signature from Knaisz Auctions real or fake?
Michael Jackson signature from Knaisz Auctions real or fake?
I won this signature on one of knaisz auctions. Can you please tell me is it authentic or not? Thank you
- Attachments
- JACKSONS-PROMO_SIGNED.jpg (188.31 KiB) Viewed 6406 times
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Mon Jan 10, 2022 8:33 pm
Re: Michael Jackson signature from Knaisz Auctions real or fake?
my opinion is genuine .
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Mon Jan 10, 2022 8:33 pm
Re: Michael Jackson signature from Knaisz Auctions real or fake?
nice example of the mid 80s signature of michael jackson .
Re: Michael Jackson signature from Knaisz Auctions real or fake?
It is okay I’m sure it is authentic. 

Re: Michael Jackson signature from Knaisz Auctions real or fake?
Genuine for sure!!!
Re: Michael Jackson signature from Knaisz Auctions real or fake?
I already bought from knaizs auctions and I can recommend them.
I won a RIAA award presented to Michael Jackson. Beautiful, genuine award. Unfortunately, the package was damaged during mailing. I reported the problem to knaisz. It was not their fault because the product was packaged very very carefully. They refunded me back the 50% of the item price. So I think they are correct enough.
I won a RIAA award presented to Michael Jackson. Beautiful, genuine award. Unfortunately, the package was damaged during mailing. I reported the problem to knaisz. It was not their fault because the product was packaged very very carefully. They refunded me back the 50% of the item price. So I think they are correct enough.